We focus on diagnosing and treating all child and adolescent conditions, providing comprehensive paediatric medicine supported by specialists with experience in all paediatric sub-specialities.


Children’s Health Department

We focus on the diagnosis and treatment of all neonatal, child and teenage illnesses, providing an integrative paediatric medicine led by specialists with experience in all the paediatric subspecialities and in high complexity diseases.

Key areas of Children’s Health Department
Paediatric cardiology

With over 35 years’ experience and over 10,000 heart defects operated, our team of specialists deals with all types of congenital heart defects from neonatal age to adults with congenital problems. 70% of the heart defects that we treat are complex, with an Aristotle Basic Score of 8.2, which is higher than the European average, and with a survival rate of 98.2%.

  • Over 10,000 heart defects operated, 70% of which are of maximum complexity. We operate on all kinds of heart defects, including those in Group 4 of the Aristotle Basic Score.
  • Personalised care with a 1:1 doctor-patient relationship
  • International experts for complex congenital heart defects. We provide medical assistance to patients from several countries.

Paediatric surgery

We treat a broad spectrum of conditions, from small correctable abnormalities, to extremely complex malformations that require lifelong care. In many cases, paediatric surgeon care starts during pregnancy with prenatal diagnosis, and lasts until children are 16 years old. Premature babies, infants, children and teenagers all fall within this speciality. We cover paediatric plastic surgery, neonatal surgery, paediatric urology, thoracic surgery, hepatobiliary surgery and complex abdominal surgery.

  • In many cases, paediatric surgeon care starts during pregnancy with prenatal diagnosis, and lasts until children are 16 years old.
  • We have some of the best paediatric surgeons in Spain.

Paediatric Haemato-Oncology

Our Paediatric Haemato-Oncology Department is a multidisciplinary unit focussed on treating children with any blood disease and all types of malignant tumours. We have a 24-hour emergency department, a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, and nursing staff who are highly specialised in dealing with child patients.

  • A multidisciplinary unit focussed on treating children with any blood disease and all types of malignant tumours.
  • We carry out cancer research to better understand its causes, its biological behaviour and the patterns of childhood cancers.

Paediatric orthopaedics

Our team of experts in paediatric orthopaedics deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many deformities that affect the musculoskeletal system throughout the period of childhood growth, using medical and surgical procedures.

We treat paediatric patients, who require particular care, and we can adapt to newborns, infants and young children, school children and teenagers.

We also specialise in growth disorders and paediatric orthopaedic conditions, where patients receive an integrated treatment.

  • Paediatric patients require particular care that is adapted to newborns, infants and young children.
  • We provide all treatments and procedures accepted in this discipline.

Tratamientos quirúrgicos

Diseases, treatments and techniques
  • neonatal-surgery
    Neonatal surgery

    We have a prenatal diagnosis programme for both national and international patients; international patients are consulted through telemedicine. We have a Mother and Child Service with Obstetrics and Neonatology that is highly specialised in treating heart defects. All types of neonatal heart defects are treated, including those in premature and underweight babies. Extracorporeal circulation techniques are used, which are dedicated to maintaining organ perfusion, which guarantees low morbidity rates. A 7-day stay and approx. 96% survival rate.

    • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
    • Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage.
    • Hypoplastic aortic arch.
    • Interrupted aortic arch.
    • Truncus arteriosus.
    • Pulmonary atresia.
    Paediatric cardiology
  • pulmonary-atresia
    Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (VSD) and major side effects

    Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a rare congenital heart defect. Highly complex and with a group 4 ABS, the main aim is to establish a single source of pulmonary blood flow, unifocalising the collaterals, closing the VSD and implanting a valved conduit between the RV and PA.

    We are international experts, performing the 3 main types of procedure: 1) unifocalisation in the first year of life, 2) staged repair of PA, 3) repair of PA using hybrid procedures (Interventional Haemodynamics), depending on the anatomic type.

    At the end of treatment, 90% of patients have VSD closure and a survival rate 96%. These results make us stand out at an international level.

    Paediatric cardiology
  • Tetralogy-of-Fallot
    Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary valve preservation and hybrid treatment

    Tetralogy of Fallot is a complex congenital heart defect that takes many forms and can be treated from neonatal age to adulthood.

    The main aims are to establish sufficient pulmonary flow, VSD closure, and pulmonary valve preservation, using hybrid techniques of interventional catheterisation during surgery, which enables the dilation of the pulmonary valve annulus with a balloon, avoiding cutting it and enabling the preservation of the pulmonary valve, thus preventing the need of further operations in adulthood. In 95% of cases, we preserve the pulmonary annulus with a z score of -3.

    Paediatric cardiology
  • great-arteries
    Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA)

    It is the most common heart defect that requires surgical treatment at neonatal age.

    Our centre performs an arterial switch in all patients with TGA regardless of their coronary pattern.

    Complex TGA:

    • TGA with VSD
    • TGA with hypoplastic aortic arch and/or coarctation of the aorta (CoA) and
    • TGA with pulmonary stenosis (PS)

    We perform all kinds of techniques to anatomically correct this defect, including the Rastelli and Nikaidoh procedures for TGA, VSD and PS.

    Paediatric cardiology
  • valvular-diseases
    Valve defects

    This is one of the challenges of the speciality, since suitably sized valve prostheses for small patients do not exist. At our centre, we are very experienced in performing aortic valvuloplasty for aortic stenosis in neonatal age. Different aortic and mitral valve reconstruction techniques are used in patients under one year old, with valve preservation with an average of 10 years without the need to re-operate.

    The surgical team is one of the most experienced and has the best results at European level in the Ross and Ross-Kono procedures, including in infant and neonatal age patients.

    Paediatric cardiology
  • univentricular-heart
    Functional or anatomical univentricular heart Surgical treatment

    Highly complex heart defects, where there is only one functional ventricle, and after various surgical treatments, patients end up having the Fontan circulation procedure. The surgical team was one of the pioneers in using the extra-cardiac Fontan procedure in Europe (C. Marcelletti procedure), gathering one the largest case studies. In cardiac malpositions, reconstruction of the tunnel with an intra/extra-cardiac conduit is used with very good results. This technique is performed in very few centres at present.

    Paediatric cardiology
  • hybrid-treatments
    Hybrid treatments

    We have a highly specialised team of interventional haemodynamics specialists who, together with the surgical team, deal with all tributary conditions with this type of treatment. E.g. Apical VSD, stent insertion, pulmonary valve implants, among others.

    Paediatric cardiology
  • Patología quirúrgica del aparato respiratorio
    Respiratory system surgical pathology
    Paediatric surgery
  • Patología quirúrgica del aparato digestivo
    Digestive system surgical pathology
    Paediatric surgery
  • Patología oncología pediátrica
    Paediatric oncology pathology
    Paediatric surgery
  • Patología quirúrgica hepatobiliar
    Hepatobiliary surgical pathology
    Paediatric surgery
  • Quemaduras: tratamiento agudo y de las secuelas
    Burns: acute treatment and after care
    Paediatric surgery
  • Anomalías vasculares
    Vascular abnormalities
    Paediatric surgery
  • Leucemia
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Tumores del cerebro y otros tumores del sistema nervioso central
    Brain tumours and other tumours of the central nervous system
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Linfoma
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Rabdomiosarcoma
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Neuroblastoma
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Tumor de Wilms
    Wilms’ tumour
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Cáncer de hueso
    Bone cancer
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Tumores de células germinativas gonadales (de testículo y de ovario)
    Gonadal germ cell tumours (testicle and ovary)
    Paediatric Haemato-Oncology
  • Consulta prenatal y consejo sobre deformidades diagnosticadas en el período prenatal
    Prenatal visit and advice regarding deformities diagnosed during pregnancy
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Pie zambo congénito
    Congenital clubfoot
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Displasia de cadera
    Hip dysplasia
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Contracturas múltiples articulares, incluida la artrogriposis múltiple congénita
    Multiple joint contractures, including arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Deficiencias longitudinales de huesos largos
    Longitudinal deficiencies of long bones
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Mielomeningocele
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Extrofia vesical y otros defectos graves de cierre de la pared pélvica
    Bladder exstrophy and other serious pelvic wall closure defects
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Diagnóstico, tratamiento inicial y seguimiento de las fracturas y de sus posibles complicaciones
    Diagnosis, initial treatment and follow-up of fractures and their possible complications
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Cirugía sobre el crecimiento
    Growth surgery
    Paediatric orthopaedics
  • Tratamiento quirúrgico de deformidades complejas
    Surgical treatment of complex deformities
    Paediatric orthopaedics